Practicing what I preach

Why I decided to put my relationship status on Facebook and practice what I preach

Yesterday, me and my girlfriend Amy pressed 'public' on our relationship status on Facebook and here are the reasons why I wanted to do this.

Firstly, this is not 'a big deal' nor is this 'new' news, as me and Amy have been together for over a year now and 90% of people who saw our post already know. I thought it was appropriate time to share our relationship status on Facebook after the shocking news of the shootings in Orlando, USA. "An American-born man shot 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando" and this is now "the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since 9/11". This is such heartbreaking news and it has greatly affected the LGBT+ community across the world. 

I have always openly supported LGBT+ on my social media and in person. I have constantly preached that everyone should unapologetically be themselves and be proud of who they are and who they love... yet I have never posted my relationship status on Facebook in fear of what some people may think/say/react. 

Innocent members of the LGBT+ community went to a nightclub to enjoy each others company, in a place where they felt safe enough to be themselves. This is something that everyone strives for; love, acceptance and security. A lot of LGBT+ individuals don't have this, however I am one of the lucky ones who does have this. A small example of this happened last weekend. During my first night out with my new work mates, I confirmed my sexual orientation and my work mates reacted in the same way they would have if I told them I had toast for breakfast! This made me wonder why I ever worried about telling them in the first place!? Again yesterday I watched as all social medias were flooded with support for Orlando and the LGBT+ community.. and again, I thought, why am I so worried!?

"Nobody in this world should feel afraid to be who they are or love who they want to love" ❤️

As mentioned I have always stood up for my LGBT+ friends but now I think it's time 
I stood up for myself. As a sign of solidarity with Orlando, I write this with no fear..

I am proud to be in a very happy, healthy, beautiful relationship with my beautiful girlfriend (and best friend) Amy. Love will always win and this attack will not stop us from being true to ourselves!

Beth x

(ps sorry this is so cheesy Amy!)

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